Facilities for relevant biochemistry
include a state of the art glove box, shown left,
with high environment control -- < 3-4 PPM
of oxygen and water and a controlled argon/nitrogen
atmosphere, large and small antechambers with
high vacuum pumping and argon/nitrogen purging
and a refrigerator cabinet inside for chemicals
and reagents storage. This glove box from MBraun
includes programmable purging options and has
sensitive analyzers that maintain the high purity
controlled environment.
Our fume-hood in which we
perform various general chemical reactions where
minimum personnel safety is required. It has 3
gas lines and faucets for different gas purging
and vacuuming conveniences. We keep our hoods
uncluttered at all times in line with maintaining
our policy of clean and safe lab practices.
high purity genetic grade DI water purifying
system from US Filter. This system can purify
water upto 18 megaohm-cm resistiviy and
has various in-built features that facilitate
programmability ease of use. It consists
of two units - the first incorporating reverse
osmosis to distill water and the second
utilizing UV irradiation for de-ionizing
the distilled water from the first unit.
Ability to set volumetric dispense, point
of use water gun and temperature control
are other conveniences that this unit provides.
-20 °C freezer and 4 °C refrigerator.
These are very useful for storing various
peptides, antibodies, fluorescent dyes,
fixed cells, QD chemicals and other biological
supplies. The 4 degree C refrigerator is
a chromatography refrigerator. The -20 degree
C has a temperature monitoring and recording
system to ensure steady temperature control.
Both systems are from Thermoelectric.
range of centrifuges. Speeds up to 10,000
rpm are achievable. Low temperature settings
are also possible. Both systems are from
Jouan under the CR3i and KR22i series.
& Facilities
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